day 8



On day 8 we checked our ecosystem and we have learned that we have 1 spider left and we have added 2 salamanders to our ecosystem. We are going
Dr. Jaime Mayweather
11/26/2013 12:16:22 am

How many spiders did you start off with? Is that all the insects that you have? Where exactly are you going? Are you going to the store, to the movies or what? You need to finish your sentences and give more detail. I do not think I can stress this nearly enough. In order to have a good blog for your ecosystems you need as much detail as you can get.

jimmy westbrook
12/17/2013 11:26:35 pm

We started out with 3 spiders a 2 salamanders and a bunch of insects such as pill bugs and crickets. We also plant beans, tomatoes, and radish.


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